Minka Fucking Boyfriend Stealer

An Unexpected Encounter

Jason introduces himself as Minka’s boyfriend. She knew a few things about him. What he doesn’t know is that Minka has plans to use her boyfriend for a while. He asks Minka if he can wait for her inside the house.

She questions him in the living room. He’s never met Minka and knows nothing about her. He’s obviously been living in a cave all of his life. Jason rubs his junk, not thinking.

“Why are you playing with yourself?” Minka asks. He tells Minka he can’t control himself looking at her giant tits. Minka squeezes his package. “Yah, you’re really big,” Minka says. “She never told me you’re this big.” She’s impressed, and that takes a lot, considering all of the porn star dick she’s had.

Minka lowers her dress and shows him her huge tits. Minka goes down on Jason, filling her mouth. Jason forgets that her could walk in at any minute, but his brain has malfunctioned and he now is Minka’s boy-toy.

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