Fucking Jana’s Tits & Pussy Drained My Paycheck
An Unexpected Encounter
Only in the movies would a man strolling down a lonely country road in broad daylight encounter one of the bustiest sex workers in the world. Good luck trying to find a sex worker as stacked and as sexy as Jana. This guy trolling for streetwalkers has hit the lottery. There are a zillion girls named Jana in Europe but he’s met the biggest-chested Jana of them all.
Of course, Jana could do a lot better if she set up business on the street corner of a big city with lots of horny dudes or in a brothel, but then she’d have the expense of a room and other costs. Here in this sprawling park, she can let her clients have wild passionate fucking right on the grass and save money on the room while enjoying the fresh air and peaceful scenery.
Jana doesn’t even bother with a blanket because her skimpy dress is stain resistant. For guys who think about screwing sex workers with naturally gigantic breasts large butt thighs and a spank-worthy butt, they get the ultimate. Jana expected her glazing in the grass to be over quickly because she finds that most guys get so horny with her and quickly climax. But this guy loves to do push ups with his penis pumping in and out of her, much to Jana’s surprise. He knows a hot lay when he pays for it.