Angelina Castro’s Ass Fucked Raw

Angelina Castro: The Hottest Cuban Export

In a tantalizing scene, Angelina Castro is asked, “Do all Cubans have big asses?” Her response is as spicy as her heritage: “Some of them, but guess what? I’m the only Castro you can fuck. All Cubans have big asses but this package comes with big-ass boobs!”

While it’s true that Angelina’s impressive assets have made her a star in adult entertainment, it’s surprising to learn that before this scene, she had never experienced anal sex on-camera. Given her reputation for being insatiable and her constant desire for more, this revelation is truly mindboggling.

Elliot once remarked, “Angelina Castro makes Sofia Vergara look like a nun.” Unlike Vergara, who has not ventured into the world of adult entertainment, Angelina has made a name for herself as a true Miami celebrity, a star of Latin TV and radio, and a woman who is not shy about her sexual escapades.

In this unforgettable scene, Angelina takes a big dick up her tight ass for the first time on-camera. It’s a moment that truly showcases her passion and willingness to explore new boundaries. There’s not much more to say—the scene speaks for itself.

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