She Fucks and Sucks Loudly
A Day at the Office with BootyLicious
A high-rise condo, a stunning view of Miami’s Intracoastal Waterway, and a curvy little dime piece eager to slip your fucking cock into her tight fucking pussy. Nah, this isn’t a wild fantasy. It’s just another day at the office for BootyLicious. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it. And with Megan Reece, one of our all-time favorite whooties, in the house, we’re definitely going to do it. Our boy Carlos is in the house, too, so you know things are going to get hot-n-sticky. Especially because Megan is one of the freakiest chicks we’ve ever met.
“I think I scare guys sometimes,” Megan said. “They don’t expect me to be a bigger freak than them. They don’t expect me to be the one coming up with the freakiest positions for them to fuck me in. I’m a little whore in the bedroom and I’m really flexible.”
Hearing things like that makes our big head spin and our little head rise to attention.
“I like being spanked, too,” Megan added. “My sex sessions get pretty loud and intense. I once had a neighbor messaging the authorities because they thought I really was in pain. Well, I was in that good kinda pain.”