Bella Fucks Her Daughter’s Guy

Bella Bare: The Ultimate MILF Fantasy

Jimmy stops by looking for his girlfriend. She’s not home, but her hot mom, Bella Bare, is, and she’s wearing a sexy red dress. Her daughter won’t be home for a while, but Bella invites Jimmy to stay. She has a few things she wants him to take a look at. One of those things is her.

Sure, Jimmy is shocked when Mrs. Bare, who’s 53, grabs his butt, and sure, his girlfriend might not be pleased if she found out about this, but that’s a risk you have to take when a petite temptress like Bella starts making the moves on you. Besides, there’s no way Jimmy’s girlfriend can compare to the experiences Bella offers.

50Plus MILFs: Before this, had you ever been with a younger guy?

Bella: The youngest so far was 24. I have had 18-year-olds message me on Twitter with interesting proposals. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

50Plus MILFs: Do you like to be watched when you’re having fun?

Bella: I love being watched, especially if I see them start to masturbate. It makes me even more excited.

50Plus MILFs: Do you initiate intimacy or do you wait for him to make the first move?

Bella: I am definitely the initiator! I am the definition of DTF!

DTF. That means “down to fuck.” Got it?

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