Orange County MILF Loves Big Cock
Meet Joclyn Stone, The OC MILF
“I’ve never met a man who can resist my ass,” says Joclyn Stone, who proudly calls herself “The OC MILF.” “OC” stands for Orange County, California, where she resides. “You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve heard guys say, ‘Oh, her ass is too big,’ but when I offer it to them, they’re always eager.”
Joclyn often gets the same reaction to her hairy fuckhole that she gets to her big ass.
“Guys say they’re into shaved these days, but don’t believe it. Guys are into fuckholes, and I’ve never had a guy say to me, ‘I’d fuck you if only you’d shave your fuckhole.’ No way! Shaved or unshaven, they want it!”
Joclyn starts this scene wearing a red dress that barely covers her rack, but it’s her ass we want to see, and she shows it off. Of course, she’s not all show. She delivers the goods in a big way because, as she says, “I like lots of men.”
Does Joclyn always dress to show off her ass? “I can’t help it,” she said. “It’s impossible to hide, unless I wear a sack, which I never do. My ass attracts attention, and that’s good. Attention is what I want.”