Codi Fucking SCOREs with Hard Dick
Codi and Alex: A Passionate Encounter
Codi is brimming with pure sexual energy, and she’ll be giving Alex, a pro porn stud, the kind of hot fuck that we all dream about.
Codi talked about this scene, her voice resonating with erotic excitement and fun as she relived it.
“Alex is a fucking professional in all of the senses of that word,” she said. “Very communicative and wants to do the scene right, but also at the same time really, really good at fucking me.
“I think I made the mistake of going as hard as possible as early as possible. Well, I don’t think it was a mistake. It felt really good, and it had been a while since I’d had sex, and getting totally pounded in front of a bunch of people on-camera by a sexy guy with a great French accent and beautiful, dark brown eyes was great. I let go quite a bit and we fucked for a long time and it was very, very, very fun.”
This scene is lengthy, almost 40 minutes, twice as long as most hardcore scenes. Codi and Alex were making it last, savoring each second. The looks on Codi’s face and the sounds of sex and passion she makes when she is being licked and fucked say it all.
“I like to have sex when I feel sexy, and I like to have sex with sexy people, and I get to do all of that, and if people are watching at home, that’s good, too. Hopefully I’ll teach you something valuable and not something bad.”
It’s all good.